Ideal for private events, community functions, concerts, job-sites, natural disasters, home renovations and more. Traditional units, ADA units and handwashing stations available to resolve your sanitary needs, ensure proper compliance & guest satisfaction.



Ideal for private events, community functions, concerts, job-sites, natural disasters, home renovations and more. Traditional units, ADA units and handwashing stations available to resolve your sanitary needs, ensure proper compliance & guest satisfaction.

features include


Developed as an alternative to full Wheelchair Accessible compliant restrooms, the TPC Wheelchair Accessible Potty is a spacious, wheelchair accessible restroom that can also be promoted as a family-sized restroom. It has a patented flat-floor system for easy wheelchair access and maneuverability. The handrails and paper holder, together with the rotary latch, are designed and manufactured for simple end-user operation.

Operators have the distinct advantage of owning a restroom made from high molecular weight polyethylene that is durable and vandal resistance. The entire door frame, which is made of a vacuum formed twin sheet, is able to withstand hard hits and endless pounding without bending or buckling like metal frames. The patented flat floor system, combined with the strength of the side walls and capped roof, forms a sleek, modern restroom that retains its shape over the life of the product.

features include


The TPC Handwash Station product line has been one of the most durable, accessible sinks in the sanitation industry for over a decade. With changes in the market and increased requirements for additional sanitation stations and handwashing in general, the TPC Handwash Station has been redesigned into a superior handwash solution with greater production capacity to quickly fulfill high demands and improved functionality to better serve customer’s needs.

features include